Source code for fetch_data.utils

Helper functions for download. Only core python packages used in utils.

[docs]def log_to_stdout(level=15): """ Adds the stdout to the logging stream and sets the level to 15 by default """ import logging logger = logging.getLogger("fetch_data") # remove existing file handlers for handler in logger.handlers: if isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler): logger.handlers.remove(handler) # add the new logger with the formatting logFormatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s [%(name)s] %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler() streamHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) logger.addHandler(streamHandler) logger.setLevel(level) return logger
[docs]def log_to_file(fname): """ Will append the given file path to the logger so that stdout and the file will be the output streams for the current logger """ import logging from pathlib import Path as posixpath fname = posixpath(fname) fname.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) logger = logging.getLogger("fetch_data") # remove existing file handlers for handler in logger.handlers: if isinstance(handler, logging.FileHandler): logger.handlers.remove(handler) # add the new logger with the formatting logFormatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s [%(name)s] %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) fileHandler = logging.FileHandler(fname) fileHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) logger.addHandler(fileHandler)"=" * 80)"Start of logging session")
[docs]def make_readme_file(dataset_name, url, meta={}, short_info_len_limit=150): """ Adheres to the UP group's (ETHZ) readme prerequisites. Parameters ---------- dataset_name: str The name of the dataset that will be at the top of the file url: str The url used to download the data - may be useful for other downloaders. May contain wildcards and placeholders. meta: dict A dictionary containing several """ import inspect import os import pwd from textwrap import wrap from datetime import datetime assert isinstance(url, str) meta["data_preparation"] = ( "Data has been downloaded directly from the server shown in URL. There has " "been no modification to the original files. There may be a data cache " "located in the destination folder.\n\n This README.txt file was " "automatically created while downloading data using the " "```` function. For more info see " "" ) s = " " * 4 w = "\n" + s line_limit = short_info_len_limit if len(dataset_name.strip()) > 2: line = "=" * len(dataset_name) dataset_name = dataset_name.replace("_", " ").replace("-", " ") name = s + w.join([line, dataset_name, line]) else: name = "" # default inputs contact = meta.pop("contact", None) if contact is None: contact = get_git_username_and_email().get("email", None) if contact is None: contact = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] today ="%Y-%m-%d") # custom meta inputs (short) short = {k: v for k, v in meta.items() if len(k + v) <= line_limit} short_pretty = w.join([f"{k: <15s} {v}" for k, v in short.items()]) # custom met inputs (long) long = {k: v for k, v in meta.items() if len(k + v) > line_limit} long_pretty = [] for head, text in long.items(): text = w.join(wrap(text.replace("\n", " "), 80)) head = head.replace("_", " ").replace("-", " ").title() long_pretty += (w + w.join([f"{head}", f"{'-' * len(head)}", f"{text}"]) + w,) long_pretty = w.join(long_pretty).strip() try: from ._version import __version__ as version except ModuleNotFoundError: version = "no version found" # MAKING THE STRING readme_text = inspect.cleandoc( f"""{name} {'Contact': <15s} {contact} {'Date': <15s} {today} {'URL': <15s} {url} {'Script': <15s} ({version}) {short_pretty} {long_pretty} """ ) meta.pop("data_preparation") return readme_text
[docs]def make_hash_string(string, output_length=10): """Create a hash for given string Truncates an md5 hash to the desired length. Will always be safe for file names. Args: string (str): input string output_length (int): length for output Returns: str: n character string that is unique to the input string """ import base64 import hashlib urlb = (string).encode() hasher = hashlib.md5(urlb).digest() hashed = base64.b16encode(hasher).decode()[:output_length] return hashed
[docs]def flatten_list(list_of_lists): """Will recursively flatten a nested list""" if len(list_of_lists) == 0: return list_of_lists if isinstance(list_of_lists[0], list): return flatten_list(list_of_lists[0]) + flatten_list(list_of_lists[1:]) return list_of_lists[:1] + flatten_list(list_of_lists[1:])
[docs]def get_kwargs(): """ Gets all the keyword, value pairings in the given function and returns them as a dictionary """ import inspect frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back keys, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) kwargs = {} for key in keys: if key != "self": kwargs[key] = values[key] return kwargs
[docs]def abbreviate_list_as_str(ls): """ Abbreviates a list when it's too long to show everything Used mostly in logging.DEBUG """ n = len(ls) if n > 4: return f"{str(ls[:2])[:-1]},\n...\n{str(ls[-2:])[1:]}" else: return f"{str(ls)}"
[docs]def shorten_url(s, len_limit=75): """ Make url shorter with max len set to len_limit """ if len(s) > len_limit: split = s.split("/") else: return s short = split[0] for s in split[1:-1]: if (len(short + split[-1]) + 5) > len_limit: short += "/.../" + split[-1] return short else: short += "/" + s return short
[docs]def get_git_username_and_email(): """will try to get the user and email from the git config""" import subprocess import re command =["git", "config", "--list"], capture_output=True) config_str = command.stdout.decode() output = dict(re.findall("user.(name|email)=(.*)", config_str)) return output
[docs]def commong_substring(input_list): """Finds the common substring in a list of strings""" def longest_substring_finder(string1, string2): """Finds the common substring between two strings""" answer = "" len1, len2 = len(string1), len(string2) for i in range(len1): match = "" for j in range(len2): if i + j < len1 and string1[i + j] == string2[j]: match += string2[j] else: if len(match) > len(answer): answer = match match = "" return answer if len(input_list) == 2: return longest_substring_finder(*input_list) if len(input_list) > 2: item0 = input_list[0] for i in range(len(input_list) - 1): item1 = input_list[i + 1] item0 = commong_substring([item0, item1]) return commong_substring([item0, item1]) if len(input_list) == 1: return input_list[0]